Changes in this version Ooops. Recompiled with the GA version of VisualAge C++ with all the latest fixes on and finally found the switch to turn off debug mode! (Duh!). Cuts the size of the EXE in half and then some and pushes the CPU and memory benchmarks up by 40%. Corrected bug that causes a SYS3175 on machines with video memory that don't have enough space to fit the same number of vertical lines as horizontal lines. Machines at 800x600x64K with only 1Mb would hit this - maybe others too. Sysbench 0.9.1 This is a revision of the Sysbench 0.9.0 program, originally written by Henrik Harmsen. His introductory readme file has been renamed to README.HCH in this package and needs to be read in conjunction with _this_ file. Warning - Warning - Warning. You should NOT compare results produced using this revision of the program with results produced from the previous version. Too many things have changed - timing bugs have been eliminated, methods of calculating test averages have changed and a different compiler has been used. I would also suggest (very strongly) that this benchmark program NOT be run on any machine that has critical applications running on it. It sets itself to be the highest priority thing on your system at points in its execution and this can adversely affect other processes. It will probably stop any communications apps you have running and connections may be lost. Installation No special installation steps are required to install this program. I have included the latest DIVE.DLL from The Developer Connection for OS/2 volume 10. It may not be necessary as the program appears to work with the version that's on my system dated 17-02-95 4:51p. I have included the latest version anyway as that's the one I've done all my testing with. If you want to use this, copy it to your \MMOS2\DLL directory _after_ saving a copy of the existing version. Bug fixes from original code I have revised various routines to fix some bugs, notably some of the CPU benchmarks returned impossible values on very fast machines as some of the passes through the code completed before the timer could register a value.... dividing by zero gives some very strange results! The memory tests also gave invalid values on some of the smaller values. Now uses DISKIO 1.9 code In addition, I have incorporated the latest DiskIO benchmark code (1.9) into this release and have modified the display to include some of the new values reported by this. I have doubts about my implementation of the concurrent disk i/o and CPU test as it returns results sometimes that are wildly out of kilter with the norm. Treat this one with suspicion for the present ;-). Thanks go to Kai Uwe Rommel for this code - bugs are mine. DIVE Tests now enabled I have enabled the DIVE tests and checked them out on both my machines. I have written a lot of code for bank-switched graphics cards and it seems to work fine. In case it's not immediately obvious what these tests look like in use, the first should move the entire screen image downwards with the image that disappears from the bottom of the screen re-appearing from the top. The movement should be quite smooth. The second test squashes the screen image from top and bottom and eventually flips it over completely upside-down, then back up the right way and finally stretches and compresses various parts of the image. If you see something radically different from this, I either haven't described it very well or you have a bug. I am not sure what Henrik's intent was when he wrote the original DIVE programs but I have eliminated two of the tests from the program as they seemed to be identical to each other. As it is, two of the tests actually do identical things (the first and third) but report their values in different ways, one as MB/second and one as frames/second. I've left them both there as this seemed quite useful. I didn't think it useful to run the same test four times... To run the DIVE tests you must have a graphics card that's enabled for it. My ATI GPT does not support DIVE when running at 1024x768x16.7M colours - it's necessary to reset to a lower colour depth in order to run the DIVE tests. If you don't have a card that supports DIVE, the tests will just blink the screen momentarily and the test will be skipped. Sample result files I have included sample result files from my two machines in this file. Readme.486 is generated on my Dell 486DX2/66, 24MB RAM, with Diamond Stealth32 2MB VLB graphics card and Promise DC4030-VL2 4MB cache IDE controller, Western Digital AC31200 1.2Gb hard disk. Readme.PRO is generated on a Micron Pentium Pro 200MHz, 64MB RAM, with ATI Graphics Pro Turbo 4MB VRAM, Adaptec AHA2940UW PCI SCSI controller, Seagate Barracuda 2.1Gb fast/wide hard disk (ST32550W). Bugs. None that I know of (but there are bound to be some). If you find one, report it to me - - and include as much information as you can. If it falls over and displays an error box with registers, quote them (a HELP SUPPRESSPOPUPS on Warp will tell you an easy way of collecting this information and save you some tedious typing). If the program generates a log file called SB_ERROR.LOG, include that too. Tell me about your machine in as much detail as you can, even if it seems irrelevant Disclaimer Standard disclaimers apply. This program is supplied in good faith but I am not responsible for any loss or damage that may result from use of it. All use of this program is strictly at your own risk.